Excerpt from harriet tubman biography in spanish
Harriet tubman biography book
Profiles the most-famous conductor of the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, and outlines the major events of her life before and after she escaped from g: excerpt.
Excerpt from harriet tubman biography in spanish
An excerpt from Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman by Sarah H. Bradford, An drawing of Maria Weems, an African American woman who escaped slavery in wearing .
Excerpt from harriet tubman biography in spanish american
Spanish language biographies for the earliest readers This book examines the life of Harriet Tubman in a simple age appropriate way that will help children develop word recognition and .
Excerpt from harriet tubman biography in spanish translation
The reverse-chronological approach to the details of her life unfolds through memorable verse and lavish illustrations in this unique, evocative biography of an American icon.